
What Are the Hottest Celebrity Cosmetic Surgery Trends Right Now?

In plastic surgery, a lot of the biggest trends stem from celebrities. After all, it’s their job to be beautiful, so it just makes sense. What procedures are hot in Hollywood right now? Let’s take a look!

Rhinoplasty and Ethnic Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is consistently one of the more popular plastic surgery procedures, especially amongst Hollywood celebrities. Many choose to undergo the surgery for medical reasons, like a deviated septum, and get a little aesthetic refinement at the same time. With the natural-looking results possible from rhinoplasty, you’d never know your favorite celeb had surgery unless they openly admitted it.

Since many celebrities come from non-Caucasian backgrounds, ethnic rhinoplasty is often needed. This surgery requires a more experienced hand than traditional rhinoplasty as the nasal structure in non-Caucasian patients is very different. Ethnic rhinoplasty requires special care and attention to the balancing of the nose to the remaining facial features and ensuring that the surgery preserves and protects the underlying nasal structure. Celebrities, just like regular men and women, often travel great distances to find a surgeon that is highly skilled in ethnic rhinoplasty. Triple-board certified Dr. Sajjadian is highly qualified to perform this complex and rewarding surgery. His unique training and experience have given him a deep understanding of the nasal structure of both Caucasian and non-Caucasian patients for beautiful, natural-looking results every time.

Breast Augmentation

Pop singer Iggy Azaela is one of the most recent celebrities to admit to breast augmentation. Originally she had planned on keeping the news of her procedure under wraps, but after seeing the results, wanted to share her good fortune with the world. Breast augmentation can transform bodies and confidence. Women that have long struggled with the size of their chest can achieve the full size they’ve always wanted.

Breast augmentation isn’t just for small-chested women. Many women, even those with naturally larger breasts, find that much of their breast volume is lost after pregnancy and breastfeeding. Breast augmentation (often combined with a breast lift) can help moms to restore their bodies after baby. If you’ve ever wondered how celebrities have those amazing bodies, even after kids, remember they’ve likely had breast augmentation.

Celebrities know what it takes to look amazing under the bright lights of Hollywood. Even if you don’t walk the red carpet, you too can enjoy the benefits of aesthetic enhancement through plastic surgery. Call us today and schedule your consultation with Dr. Sajjadian.