
Can Laser Treatments Erase Scars?

As laser technology advances, we’re gaining greater control over wrinkles, blemishes, and unwanted signs of aging. Many patients choose laser skin resurfacing to improve complexion and tone, but can lasers remove scars?

Dr. Sajjadian has dedicated his practice to safe and effective non-surgical treatment options. He has equipped his Newport Beach with leading-edge medical devices and various scar treatments. That means your solution will be as unique as you.

Men and women develop scarring due to trauma, cystic acne, surgery, and more. The composition and nature of scars vary, so Dr. Sajjadian and his team could target your treatment to pigment reduction, textural improvements, filling, or improving elasticity.

Because of the way your body forms scar tissue, it may not be possible to remove scars entirely. However, many laser treatments can soften, fade, and flatten scars. They can also work on newly healed incisions to prevent raised, reddened scars from appearing. Come learn about your options with Dr. Sajjadian.

How Does Laser Scar Removal Work?


We use the cutting-edge InMode laser to gently treat active acne and its scarring. As a bonus, you’ll enjoy improved skin firmness and overall texture.

Fractional laser skin resurfacing with radiofrequency and microneedling is a popular combination treatment to stimulate new collagen and elastin formation, which thicken and smooth the surface.

For optimal results, we recommend a series of three to four treatments spaced four weeks apart.

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)

The newest generation of IPL targets unwanted red and purple-toned pigment with a high level of precision and safety for surrounding skin. For facial hyperpigmentation, superficial vessels, photodamage, and darkened scars, IPL is optimal.

Our clients often combine an IPL “photofacial” with microdermabrasion to reduce redness and boost natural collagen.

What Is Laser Scar Treatment Like?

Dr. Sajjadian will begin your treatment by applying a topical numbing agent to keep you comfortable. The laser device has a handpiece that glides over skin and delivers carefully measured energy to the exact layers of your scar.

Whether you choose fractional laser resurfacing or IPL, it may take between 30 minutes to an hour. You can recline comfortably and listen to music while you undergo treatment. Afterward, most people return to daily activities with few restrictions.

What to Expect During Laser Treatment Recovery

We often recommend patients apply ice packs as directed to help reduce skin sensitivity and swelling after treatment.

We’ll also ask you to stay out of the sun or cover up thoroughly after laser treatment, since laser-treated skin is more sensitive to UV rays.

Most people can apply makeup within one to two weeks, depending on their specific case.

Is Laser Scar Removal Permanent?

As long as you follow instructions and take good care of your skin, you can expect long-lasting results. Each person’s scars react differently, however, and it’s essential to understand you may need multiple treatments for satisfactory improvement.

To ensure the best possible results, keep in mind:

  • Don’t smoke at least two weeks before and after laser treatment. Smoking diminishes blood flow in the skin.
  • Tell Dr. Sajjadian if you take vitamin E, aspirin, and other supplements or medications that could lead to bruising or skin reactions.
  • Avoid retinoid or glycolic acid skin care products for four weeks before and after your treatment.
  • Avoid suntanning or tanning beds for at least four weeks as well.

What Should You Know Before Laser Scar Removal in Newport Beach?

Did you know most scar treatment plans involve multiple interventions? To ensure personalized results, Dr. Sajjadian will see you for a consultation before recommending ideal options.

Some people with indented scars benefit from dermal fillers placed under the surface. Dr. Sajjadian may suggest combining laser treatment with IPL, and you may select a chemical peel or other medical-grade facials as well.

For long-lasting results and maximum improvement when using non-ablative lasers, you may need more than one treatment session.

We’ll provide personal at-home care instructions and product recommendations to continue the work of balancing tone and texture.

Remember, it takes months to reveal bright, clear-looking skin. However, laser scar treatments often deliver measurable change and a high satisfaction rate.

Contact us today to book a consultation and find out how to treat your scars.