While breast augmentations (or breast implants) do not necessarily have an expiration date, it is wise to keep in mind that there are some aspects of the procedure that will require maintenance.
Although they are rare, complications can arise after your breast augmentation procedure that could require implant replacements. Some of those complications include breast pain, infection, capsular constructor, leakage, or your breast may change shape and size overtime, distorting your implants.
Implant leaks are different with silicone and saline breast augmentations. If your silicone breast implants leaks or ruptures you may not know it. Silicone breast implants are made from a material that is not natural in our bodies, so the body will not absorb it. On the other hand, if saline breast implants leak they will deflate right away and the saline (salt water) will be absorbed by the body.
If you choose to go with silicone filled breast implants for your breast augmentation, your Newport Beach plastic surgeon will advise that you receive an MRI scan about three years after your surgery, and then one every two years after that to screen for any silent rupture.
Breast augmentations require a special X-ray viewer for mammograms. You will need to arrange for this while scheduling your appointment for a mammogram. Although it is rumored, there is no evidence that breast augmentation increases a women’s likelihood for breast cancer.
It is important to wear bras at all times to avoid stretch marks and stretching of the skin.
Maintaining your breast augmentation is crucial to your health and well-being. Call the Newport Beach office of Dr. Ali Sajjadian today for your breast augmentation consultation. Dr. Sajjadian and his friendly staff can answer all of your questions regarding breast augmentations and the maintenance that will be required.