Every relationship eventually comes to an end. If you’ve loved your breast implants, but find they are no longer what you want for your breasts, we can help you remove them. Contact Dr. Sajjadian to explore your options for breast implant removal in Newport Beach, CA. Let us help you break up with your breast implants.
Breast Implant Evolution
For over 50 years, breast implants have gone hand in hand with breast enhancement. For a long time, the trend was large, round, and obvious implants. The rapidly growing demand high demand for safe, high-quality implants led manufacturers to develop increasingly durable and resistant models. Patients also wanted implants with a more natural look.
As time went on, implant surgery refined itself, and with new implants on the market, the options of choice in size and shape became nearly endless. All of these factors, and more, led breast augmentation to become one of the safest, successful, and number one most popular plastic surgeries in the US.
In 2018 alone, over 300,000 women chose to augment their breasts with cosmetic surgery.
Changing implant options means that women have more opportunities than ever to create their ideal breasts. Big, small, or in between, we can help you find implants that create beautiful curves. And if the time should ever come that you no longer want breast implants, we can help you with the removal process too.
Whatever your reasons for considering breast implant removal, our team will guide you through the process, helping you to find the best available options for enhancing your shape and reshaping the breasts.
Fat Grafting for Breast Implant Removal
Removing breast implants can cause some aesthetic changes. Think of it as a balloon. When it is inflated, it appears full and rounded. When the balloon pops, it is stretched out and deflated. Removing breast implants can lead to a saggy and deflated breast appearance. Working with a highly-skilled plastic surgeon can mitigate the effects of breast implant removal.
In recent years, expert surgeons across the country have been developing a new technique to help compensate for the potentially unwanted aesthetic effects of removing breast implants. Using a procedure known as fat transfer (or lipoaugmentation) after removing implants, Dr. Sajjadian offers patients the chance to refine their breast contour using fat, extracted from their own body. This fat provides a natural look and feel as it replaces breast volume lost after implant removal.
This is a perfect option if you are interested in removing your implants but are worried about losing volume and shapeliness.
Dr. Sajjadian is one of the few triple-board certified plastic surgeons to offer this highly specialized procedure in the United States. He is a highly skilled and sought after plastic surgeon with extensive breast surgery experience, including breast revision surgery.
Read on to learn more about the particulars of fat transfer after breast implant removal to see if this option is right for you. If you would like a personal consultation, feel free to call our Newport Beach, CA, office at 949-515-0550 today.
The Potential Consequences of Breast Implant Removal
How will implant removal affect your breasts? Many factors play a role including:
- Length of time since you received implants
- Age
- Size and shape of the breast implants
- Skin quality
- Natural breast size
The most apparent consequence of breast implant removal is the significant and sudden loss of volume the implant provided. Beneath the surface, however, your tissues will also be working to adapt and “shrink” to the smaller volume.
A general rule of thumb is: the larger the implant was, the more likely you are to experience aesthetic complications after removal.
Patients with smaller implants and good tissue quality tend to adapt without any problems or the need for further treatments or procedures.
However, for patients with considerable breast augmentation or with tissue that is lacking the necessary elasticity, surgical intervention may be needed to restore breast appearance.
Dr. Sajjadian for Your Breast Implant Removal
Removing breast implants can be complicated, but don’t worry, Dr. Sajjadian can help. Patients who require further treatments to maintain the appearance of the breasts after implant removal have two general options. The first option is mastopexy (also known as a breast lift). This procedure works wonders to reposition the breasts and eliminate excess skin or sagginess. Additional scarring can occur due to the incisions needed to reshape the breasts and remove excess skin.
The second option, a relative newcomer on the plastic surgery scene, is the use of fat transfer to help retain shape, feel, and contour of the breasts after implant removal. Here’s what makes this procedure one of the most promising options for restoring the breast contours after breast implants.
The Benefits of Fat Transfer After Implant Removal
Fat transfer (sometimes called lipoaugmentation or lipofilling) offers many benefits to patients. As one of the most reliable means of compensating for the volume loss after breast implant removal, more and more patients are turning to this breakthrough treatment to beautify and reshape their breasts.
Fat transfer is particularly convenient, as it is completed during the same surgery as implant removal. During your surgery after the implants are withdrawn, Dr. Sajjadian will insert fat grafts throughout the mammary gland. This provides immediately beneficial results and considerably lowers volume loss.
Also, by foregoing the need for a breast lift, fat transfer requires no additional incisions or scars. If there is any scarring, it will be considerably less than the vertical or T scars characteristic of other procedures that compensate for volume loss.
As the fillers used in lipoaugmentation are always fat-based, you get the benefits of having natural feeling and looking breasts enhanced by your body’s own tissue. Additionally, lipoaugmentation provides a new frame around the gland, improving the aesthetic result.
In some cases, if a patient wishes for a more significant increase in volume, a second grafting procedure may be necessary. After the body heals from surgery, we can schedule a second procedure to add additional fat into the breasts.
To be a good candidate for this procedure, you need to have adequate fat available. Most patients have plenty, but if you are very thin, we may need to discuss other options.
Performing fat grafts after breast implant removal is a highly specialized surgical technique requiring considerable knowledge and expertise on the breasts’ anatomy. Dr. Sajjadian has all the necessary skills, experience, and training as well as triple-board certification to mold your breasts and achieve desired results you will love.
What Recent Studies are Saying
Several recent studies have lauded the benefits and possibilities of embracing fat transfer to compensate for the effects of breast implant removal. The Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and a team led by internationally renowned professor of surgery Dietrich Doll have found promising results in clinical studies of this procedure.
Both studies began with surgeons looking to report on new ways to offer patients alternatives to the negatively perceived consequences of implant removal. For many women, one of the studies stated, “patients [would] rather bear the consequences of severe fibrosis than to have their implants removed.”
What both studies found, however, was that patients who underwent fat transfer had “good to excellent results” and “high satisfaction” with their outcomes.
The conclusions of these studies found that fat transfer “…provide[s] a favorable aesthetic outcome in women seeking implant removal.”
If you’re considering implant removal, this is an important option to consider. Come in for a consultation and explore the possibilities of fat transfer with Dr. Sajjadian.
What Is Recovery Like?
After surgery, you will most likely experience some bruising near the liposuction area, though this goes away in 7-10 days.
The rest of the recovery process can vary considerably based on your unique case. Dr. Sajjadian will discuss the full treatment and recovery plan with you during your consultation. However, most patients can assume the process will look something like this general guide:
- Two to fourteen days after surgery you can return to work
- Seven to fourteen days after surgery dressings are removed
- Four to six weeks after surgery you can swim
- Four to twelve weeks after surgery you may resume regular exercise and rigorous activity
- In some cases Dr. Sajjadian has patients wear a compression garment for one to two weeks
- Full recovery takes six to twelve weeks
Reasons for Implant Removal
Many of our breast implant removal patients have loved their breast implants. They enjoyed having a fuller, more shapely breast appearance for many years. However, lifestyles and aesthetic desires change. At some point, the breast implants were no longer enhancing their lives.
For many of our patients, their lifestyles have changed since they got their implants and the size and possibly cumbersome nature of large breasts no longer fit in. They may desire a more active lifestyle, one where breast implants don’t fit in.
Some women now want a more natural-looking breast appearance. Social tastes have changed significantly in the last several decades and many women now want a smaller, more subtle augmentation result.
Implant complications are another reason for removal. Some women have experienced a medical change, an implant leak or deflation, or other condition. Often these issues can be corrected through breast revision surgery, but some women desire to remove their implants altogether.
Whatever your reasons, we’re here to provide expert guidance so you can decide if implant replacement or removal is your best option.
Schedule a Consultation
Women’s concern over the appearance of their breasts after implant removal can be a significant factor in choosing whether or not to keep their implants. Dr. Sajjadian is proud to provide the highly specialized procedure of using fat transfer to compensate for negative aesthetic consequences.
At our Newport Beach, CA, offices, we want all of our patients to understand the full range of procedures and surgical interventions available. If you are experiencing complications, health concerns, or a change of opinion regarding your breast augmentation, we can help. Dr. Sajjadian is a triple board-certified plastic surgeon with considerable breast surgery expertise and an in-depth understanding of the breasts’ anatomy. He will help you to understand all the options and treatments available.
Call our Newport Beach office at (949)-515-0550, or Contact Us today to set up your breast revision consultation.