
Rhinoplasty Successfully Retains Ethnic Features

Here in Newport Beach understanding the anatomical features of the ethnic nose combined with refinement of techniques over time has revolutionized the field of modern rhinoplasty for our ethnic clients.  We specialize in rhinoplasties and are able to make significant alterations to an ethnic nose without creating an “over-operated” or artificial appearance. Sadly, several “celebrity nose jobs” that are excessive and unnatural grab most of the media’s attention and give nose jobs a bad name. Here in Newport Beach, we are able to ethnic rhinoplasties that are elegant and much more subtle in their results.

Understandably, the African-American community has been hesitant to undergo rhinoplasty for fear of getting a nose that is not congruent to their ethnicity. The majority of individuals don’t want to lose the uniqueness of their heritage and their ancestral features. Here in our Newport Beach plastic surgery practice we are dedicated to preserving the distinct ethnic heritage that is such an integral aspect of an individual’s facial triangle of beauty. We have successfully performed numerous African American rhinoplasties that complements our client’s ethnic features while producing facial harmony among all the features.

Of course not every African American nose is the same. Each client is unique and requires a tailored approach. That being said, there are some commonly found features in people of African descent that differ from those found with Caucasian patients. These may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Wider, flatter or more depressed nasal bridges
  • Prominent nostril flares that flare more with smiling
  • Large nostrils from the front view
  • Thick, typically sebaceous skin
  • A flat and bulbous nose tip that has excessive soft tissue and weak cartilage
  • A short columella (that fleshy part between the nostrils)
  • Flat and short nasal bones

Most if not all of the above feature can easily be re-shaped or modified without losing touch with the ethnic uniqueness. Specialized cartilage grafts used in unique configurations can strengthen, shape, and augment the framework of the ethnic nose. During a rhinoplasty, by combining grafts to the tip and bridge with meticulous and conservative nostril reduction we can set the foundation for a natural appearing ethnic nose. Dr. Sajjadian is highly sought after speaker in major Rhinoplasty symposium teaching other plastic surgeons advanced ethnic Rhinoplasty techniques. Our clients in Newport Beach are continually pleased with the natural results we produce and many are motivated to travel from all over for our ethnic nasal surgery techniques.